“What are the new ‘Probate fees’ that are currently being considered for England and Wales?”

The current fees for making an application to the Probate Registry for a Grant are £155, if the application is made by a solicitor or £215 if the application is made by an individual.  If the total estate is worth less than £5,000 then there is no fee to pay. 

However, in 2018 a draft order, the Non-Contentious Probate (fees) Order 2018 was laid before Parliament to implement a new fee structure.  The changes being considered by Parliament are as follows:- 

  1. There will be no fee if an estate is worth less than £50,000,
  2. For estates worth between £50,001 and £300,000 the fee will be £250,
  3. For estates worth between £300,001 and £500,000 the fee will be £750,
  4. For estates worth between £500,001 and £1,000,000 the fee will be £2,500,
  5. For estates worth between £1,000,000 and £1,600,000 the fee will be £4,000,
  6. For estates worth between £1,600,001 and £2,000,000 the fee will be £5,000 and
  7. For estates worth over £2,000,000 the fee will be £6,000.

The draft order is still awaiting the approval of the House of Commons, but no date for this to take place has been fixed.  If the order is made as drafted, it will come into force 21 days later. 

If you would like advise on the above or any Probate matters our Private Client Team would be happy to help.

For more information on Probate

Contact our Private Client Department on 01206 577676 or email [email protected]