
This web site has been prepared as a general guide for clients. It is not a substitute for professional advice which takes into account your specific circumstances. No responsibility can be accepted by us for loss occasioned by a person acting or refraining from acting on the basis of the information contained within this web site.

GoodyBurrett LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC325367 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Reg No 462019. Our Insurers are Global Professional Risk Solutions, A Division of Lockton Companies LLP. The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7AG Policy No P9044912. The term partner is used to refer to a member of GoodyBurrett LLP or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of members’ names is open to inspection at our registered office: St Martin’s House, 63 West Stockwell Street, Colchester, Essex CO11HE.  Tel: 01206 577676, Fax: 01206 548704 VAT No: 666061531